  • Mt. Brighton Adaptive Sports

Athlete Profile Mt. Brighton Adaptive Sports


*NEW ATHLETES: Please complete the profile form below to create a profile in our database.*

*RETURNING ATHLETES: Please complete this form once a year  so that your information stays up to date*


Completing this form helps us maintain the most up to date contact information as well as ensure we have the most up to date information regarding your needs and health information so that you have an enjoyable experience at our adaptive downhill snow sport events 



Athlete Contact Information


Athlete Demographics

The maximum length for the field What is your preferred name? is 500 characters.
The field I identify my race as (select all that apply): is required.
The field Are you of Hispanic or Latino Origin? is required.
The field Are you a veteran? is required.
The maximum length for the field (Are you a veteran?) If Y Which branch? is 500 characters.
The field Are you a minor or have a legal guardian? is required.
The maximum length for the field (Are you a minor?) If Y please provide your parent/legal guardian's name and phone number is 500 characters.

General Physical Information

The field Approx height is required.
The field Approx weight is required.
The maximum length for the field Shoe Size (if you require ski/snowboard rental) is 500 characters.
The field Allergies is required.
The maximum length for the field List allergies is 500 characters.
The field Do you Have an Epi-Pen is required.
The field Currently Taking Meds? is required.
The maximum length for the field (Currently taking meds?) if Y = list them is 5000 characters.
The field Do You Have a History Of Seizures? is required.
The maximum length for the field Date of Last Seizure is 500 characters.

Disability Information

Please fill out this section as accurate and detailed as possible to ensure we can provide you with a safe and enjoyable adaptaive downhill snow sport experience. 

The field Do you have a disability? is required.
The field (Do you have a disability?) if Y select applicable is required.
The field Disability - Other Please Explain is required.
The field List all Medical diagnoses (do not use acronyms) is required.
The field Please select all that apply related to your disability/disabilities is required.
The field (Please select all that apply related to your disability/disabilities) For any box(es) checked please provide details here: is required.
The field Do you use any assistive devices? is required.
The field (Do you use any assistive devices?) If Y select all that apply is required.
The field Assistive Devices Used - Other (please explain) is required.
The field Can You Walk? is required.
The field (Can you walk?) if Y how far? is required.
The field Are you able to climb a flight of stairs? is required.
The field If wheelchair, independent transfers? is required.